Geothermal: Aardwarmte Den Haag / The Hague doublet delivery

Geothermal doublet HAG‐GT‐01 & HAG‐GT‐02

Start execution: May 16th 2010
End execution: October 23rd 2010

Result: Geothermal capacity for heating of 4000 houses / apartments

Depth (AH): 2694m; 2391m

Project Summary

Client:Gemeente Den Haag
Doublet:Aardwarmte Den Haag
Wells:HAG‐GT‐01 & HAG‐GT‐02
Start Execution:May 16th 2010
End Execution:October 23rd 2010
Target:Two deviated geothermal wells of 2700m and 2300m
Result:Geothermal capacity for heating of 4000 houses / apartments. The largest geothermal project in the Netherlands so far.
Power (thermal):7 MWTh
Depths (AH):HAG‐GT‐01: 2694m; HAG‐GT‐02: 2391m
Role of WEP:WEP was responsible for drilling programs, material&services procurement, drilling management&supervision and well testing.
Challenges:Drilling location in populous area.

Project Description

Aardwarmte Den Haag used Well Engineering Partners’ geothermal well design and drilling supervision services for its geothermal doublet wells in the city of The Hague, the Netherlands. The two deviated wells, with a depth of 2700 and 2300 meters AH are used for generating safe, sustainable and environmentally friendly energy for heating 4000 houses and apartments . It is the most extensive geothermal heat project done so far in The Netherlands.

Well Engineering Partners, in cooperation with IF Technology  (IF-WEP), was hired by Aardwarmte Den Haag to perform the well design of the geothermal doublet, supervise the drilling of both wells and help with the start-up of the production after drilling completion.