Oil&Gas: PetroSantander advise and support

Advise and support on well designs and drilling management for several oil wells

Start execution: January 2014
End execution: September 2014

Result: Extended advisory and support (reports)

Depth (AH): 1052 – 3423m
Depth (TVD): 401 - 3230m

Project Summary

Client:PetroSantander (Colombia) Inc.
Location:Payoa, Sabana Torres, Santander, Colombia
Wells:LS-B11, LS-M13, PA-13, PA-14
Start Execution:January 2014
End Execution:September 2014
Target:Assisting PetroSantander with its well design and drilling activities to achieve drilling operational excellence.
Result:Extended advisory and support (reports)
Depths (AH):1052 – 3423m
Depths (TVD):401 - 3230m
Role of WEP:Well Engineering Partners provided Drilling Operations support, Well Engineering support and Capacity building, by means of its technical expertise and engineering skills.