We were attended to these previous events in 2019:
4 December2019, Delft (The Netherlands)
TU Delft: Geothermal Get-Together
The Geothermal Get-Together (GGT) is an initiative to bridge the emerging geothermal industry and university research, by the combination of a short seminar followed by informal discussions afterward. The GGT has contributions ranging from state of the art research to the new policy to industry best practices.
Visit the official TU Delft website
19 – 21 November 2019, Münich (Germany)
German Geothermal Congress (Der Geothermiekongress)
Visit the German Geothermal Congress website
7 November 2019, Emmen (The Netherlands)
New eMMergy congress
Visit the New eMMergy congress website
7-9 October 2019, München (Germany)
Praxisforum Geothermie Bayern
Visit the Praxisforum Geothermie Bayern website
3 October 2019, Delft (The Netherlands)
Symposium “Energy Geotechnics: Mechanics of the energy transition”
Visit the Symposium Energy Geotechnics website
23 September 2019, Bruxelles (Belgium)
Innovation Fund Workshop & ETIP-DG Stakeholders Meeting
Visit the Innovation Fund Workshop website
27 June 2019, Delft (The Netherlands)
TU Delft: Geothermal Get-Together
The Geothermal Get-Together (GGT) is an initiative to bridge the emerging geothermal industry and university research, by the combination of a short seminar followed by informal discussions afterward. The GGT has contributions ranging from state of the art research to the new policy to industry best practices.
Visit the official TU Delft website
26-27 June 2019, Bochum (Germany)
Fachausschuss Geothermie (Expert Committee Geothermal Energy)
Organisator of this event is the Gesellschaft der Metallurgen und Bergleute e.V. (GDMB)
Visit the official GDMB website
26 June 2019, Spijkenisse (The Netherlands)
CCUS developments in the North Sea region
Europe is preparing for the deployment of large scale CCUS, both through cutting-edge R&D and industrial project development. CATO continues to maintain and broaden the scientific community working on CCUS. It’s time for CATO’s national and international stakeholders to convene, inform one another, and share our knowledge.
Visit the official CATO website
25 June 2019, Amersfoort (The Netherlands)
Workshop Geothermie voor gemeenten en provincies. Waar bestaat een aardwarmteproject uit? [Dutch]
Geothermie is het winnen van aardwarmte. In de toekomst moet 30% van de gebouwde omgeving verwarmd worden door middel van geothermie. Maar wat houdt een geothermieproject nou eigenlijk in? Wat is de ondergrondse potentie? Waar bestaat een aardwarmteput uit? Welke installaties moet je bovengronds bouwen? Hoeveel kost het? Hoe ga je om met je omgeving?
Vier bekende bedrijven in de geothermiesector bieden gemeenten en provincies een vrijblijvende workshop aan op dinsdag 28 mei a.s., waarin wij samen met u alle onderdelen van een geothermieproject doorlopen. We duiken de inhoud in, om de complexiteit van een geothermieproject goed te doorgronden. Kennis van geothermie is hiervoor niet vereist!
Wilt u zich aanmelden of meer informatie? Stuur een email naar bob.harskamp@we-p.nl
Lees hier het news item over de workshop
11-14 June 2019, The Hague (The Netherlands)
European Geothermal Congress 2019 (EGC)
Connect with us at the EGC 2019 in The Hague | 11-13 June
We are happy to announce our presence at the European Geothermal Congress 2019 (EGC2019). The EGC2019 will take place between 11-13 June at the World Forum in The Hague, The Netherlands. (Note: 14 June are excursions)
This year we focus on the following topics:
- Geothermal case studies of the Netherlands
- Portfolio-based drilling approach
- Integrated Project Management
- Well Engineering & Drilling Management
- Well Maintenance & Intervention
To learn more about topics above and/or make an appointment, please contact Bob Harskamp at bob.harskamp@we-p.nl
WEP’s team of wellsite geologist and well engineers are looking forward to meeting with you at our booth #6 and learn more about your projects, opportunities and the challenges in the geothermal energy.
More information about EGC 2019
21-22 May 2019, Berlin-Potsdam (Germany)
Innovation Working Visit Energy Transition
The event runs parallel to the working visit of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander and Her Majesty Queen Máxima to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern from 20 to 22 May. WEP’s Director New Technology Geertjan van Og will attend this event, especially the table discussion ‘Geothermal urban heat supply’.
Read more about the Innovation Working Visit Energy Transition
5 April 2019, Andijk (The Netherlands)
Grand opening of the Geothermal plant of ECW Andijk (invite only)
27 March 2019, Naaldwijk (The Netherlands)
Trias Westland Congres
The Trias Westland Congres of initiators Royal FloraHolland, HVC and Capturum
Visit the Trias Westland Congres website
25 March 2019, Zoetermeer (The Netherlands)
Bijeenkomst Kennisagenda Aardwarmte [Dutch]
Visit the Kennisagenda Aardwarmte website
12 March 2019, Delft (The Netherlands)
DAP Symposium 2019
The main subject at the DAP Symposium 2019 is Urban Heating: Risks & Rewards – Integrating cities with geothermal energy. Volkert de Ruiter (Project Manager at WEP) will give a (technical) presentation about urban drilling. Dirk Brinkgreve and Bert Jan Koers (Sr Engineers at WEP) will host (together with PanTerra Geoscientists, VB Geo Projects and RoyalHaskoning DHV) an interactive introduction workshop ‘Geothermal energy, from start to end’
Read more about WEP’s presentation and workshop
Visit the DAP Symposium 2019 website
5-7 March 2019, The Hague (The Netherlands)
SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition
Read more about the SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition
23 January 2019, Utrecht (The Netherlands)
Werkconferentie: Aardwarmte in de gebouwde omgeving Deel 2
Visit the Werkconferentie Aardwarmte website
9 January 2019, Brussels (Belgium)
Contact us live at events with our delegates, please contact Erwin Boering at erwin.boering@we-p.nl or call +31 6 1528 1002.
If you’re interested in having us speak at your event, please contact Erwin Boering.