Well Engineering
The execution of work on a well, whether it is drilling, intervention, or P&A, asks for careful planning with a high level of expertise. Therefore, WEP uses an ISO 9001:2015 certified engineering process. This WEProcess is our stage-gated core process whereby each standardized step is reviewed and frozen for the next stage. These reviews are an essential part for quality assurance. Uncertainties are reduced as the project matures through the WEProcess. Most of our clients have embraced our way of working as it has proved to be both transparent and efficient. The right amount of detail is put in the deliverable per stage what can be adjusted to the specific project and client requirements. WEP uses both commercial software packages e.g. Landmark Wellplan or Strescheck and in-house developed software. Various databases are used to support the work.
Examples of deliverables and scope that WEP provides are:
- Feasibility studies
- Basis, Concept and Detailed designs
- Procurement support such as RfQ documents and tender evaluations
- Work programs (Drilling, workover, well test, well services)
- Various levels of cost estimations depending on the phase of the project
- Drill Well on Paper (DWOP), Test Well on Paper (TWOP) and Execute Well on Paper) sessions
- Risk assessments
- HSE documents
The full WEProcess: