
Geothermal: ECW Andijk 2 doublets delivery

Project Description

ECW (Energie Combinatie Wieringemeer) decided in 2017 to develop two geothermal doublets for the heating of 9 greenhouses. Both geothermal doublets are engineered by WEP and will be drilled under the supervision of WEP.

In October 2017 all preparations were started for the spud on November 18th, 2017. The first well (ADK-GT-01) of the first geothermal doublet has a depth of 2074m. By the end of December 2017, the well was ready for testing. The first test results were beyond expectations in terms of quantity and temperature of the water.

The spud of the second well (ADK-GT-02) of the first geothermal doublet was on January 2nd, 2018. This well was completed at the beginning of February 2018.

After completion of the second well the rig was skidded immediately to the third well (ADK-GT-03). This well was completed at the beginning of March 2018.

The last well (ADK-GT-04) was completed at the end of March 2018.

The project was a success and a proof of efficiency improvement during drilling multiple wells in sequence.



Role of WEP

The geothermal doublets are engineered by WEP and will be drilled under the supervision of WEP.


  • Client
    Energie Combinatie Wieringemeer (ECW)
  • Location
  • Well
    ADK-GT-01 & ADK-GT-02; ADK-GT-03 & ADK-GT-04
  • Date
    Start drilling: 01 October 2017
    End execution: 31 March 2018
  • Objective
    Water flowrates for heating of 9 greenhouses
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): ADK-GT-01: 2358m; ADK-GT-02: 2253m; ADK-GT-03: 2284m; ADK-GT-04: 2168m
    Depth (TVD): ADK-GT-01: 2074m; ADK-GT-02: 2008m; ADK-GT-03: 2065m; ADK-GT-04: 1958m

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Geothermal doublets ADK-GT-01 & ADK-GT-02; ADK-GT-03 & ADK-GT-04
Water flowrates for heating of 9 greenhouses.
Start Execution
October 1st, 2017
End Execution
March 31st, 2018
Water flowrates for heating of 9 greenhouses

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