
CCS: TAQA (Porthos) – P18, Plug & Abandonment of multilateral well

Project Description

Involvement of WEP in the project started in May 2021 in the preparation phase of the project; consisting of the preparation of the well intervention design, work program and various procurement.

The original offshore well was drilled in 1997, and a sidetrack to convert the well to a multilateral was added in 2003. The well was producing gas co-mingled prior the well operations. Operations were performed with the Valaris 123 jack-up rig.

The lower abandonment plugs were designed to be a CO2 resistant fullbore formation plug. To set this plug in the motherbore, the sidetrack liner and whipstock needed to be recovered. As a contingency, in case of inability to retrieve the whipstock, an intercept well design and program was prepared in cooperation with Wild Well Control.


Losses due to the well being connected to two depleted reservoir sections. Retrieval of the whipstock to regain access to the motherbore well section.

Role of WEP

Supply of senior well engineer to the TAQA project team during preparation and execution of the project. Supply of Sr. DSV during the rig operations.


  • Client
    TAQA (Porthos)
  • Location
    Dutch sector North Sea
  • Well
  • Date
    Start drilling: 01 May 2021
    End execution: 17 June 2022
  • Objective
    Abandonment of multilateral well to make the reservoir suitable for CO2 injection from other wells in the field.
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): 4000m
    Depth (TVD): 3500m

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Plug & Abandonment P18
The original offshore well was drilled in 1997, and a sidetrack to convert the well to a multilateral was added in 2003.
Start Execution
May 1st, 2021
End Execution
June 17th, 2022
The original offshore well was drilled in 1997, and a sidetrack to convert the well to a multilateral was added in 2003.

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