New Technology: Injection Pressure Control Valve (IPCV)
Project Description
WEP is involved in one of the most extensive geothermal heat projects in The Netherlands. This project will provide heating for 4000 houses and apartments. The geothermal doublet has a vertical depth of over 2000 meters. Under static conditions, the water level in the geothermal well will drop due to the difference in fluid density between injection and production well. Without controlling the water level, degassing of the water may occur. Vacuum-situations may also occur which can result in water-hammer and oxygen entering and reacting with the water. This can cause corrosion and / or blockage. The purpose of the IPCV is to maintain a constant water level and a constant pressure. This valve is wireline retrievable and has a failsafe-to-close functionality. Besides the valve, the IPCV system also exists of a special landing nipple, control line, and control-unit.
New technology
Role of WEP
WEP was the initiator and did all engineering and munufacturing.
WEP internal projectLocation
The NetherlandsWell
Geothermal doubletDate
Start drilling: 01 January 2012
End execution: 01 January 2012Objective
Successfully engineering and manufacturing the IPCVDepth
Depth (MD): n/a
Depth (TVD): Approx. 2000m