New Technology

New Technology: Packoff sub (POS)

Project Description

The Pack-Off Sub (POS) has been developed to efficiently and safely test geothermal wells. When performing a production test of a geothermal well an Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) is lowered into the well and is used to pump the production water out of the well. This pump contains an E-line and an ESP-cable to provide electricity and gathering data from the pump. To perform a quick and efficient production test, a temporary solution for sealing of these cables in the BOP is needed. The special Pack-Off Sub has been designed to be placed in the annular BOP to provide a properly sealed feed-through for the ESP cable and E-line. Several production tests have been successfully performed with the use of this Pack-off sub.


New technology

Role of WEP

WEP was the initator and did all the developing and testing of the POS.


  • Client
    WEP internal project
  • Location
  • Well
    Several production wells
  • Date
    Start drilling: 01 January 2011
    End execution: 01 January 2011
  • Objective
    Successfully performed several production tests with the POS
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): n/a
    Depth (TVD): n/a

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Developing and testing a Packoff Sub
Demonstrating the new technology of the Packoff Sub
Start Execution
January 1st, 2011
End Execution
January 1st, 2011
WEP was the initator and did all the developing and testing of the POS.

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