Salt: Nedmag VE-5 Well cleanout operations

Salt well VE-5

Start Engineering: January 2024
End execution:April 2024

Objective: Well cleanout operations

Depth (MD): 2636m
Depth (TVD): 1738m

Client: Nedmag BV
Location: WHC-1/Borgercompagnie
Well: VE-5
Start Engineering: January 2024
End Execution: April 2024
Objective: Well cleanout opeations
Depths (MD): 2636m
Depths (TVD): 1738m
Role of WEP: Well engineering, planning, writing programs and HSE documents. During operations, SSV and WSE onsite and office support.

Project Description

The objective of this operation was to remove a blockage in the bottom of the production tubing of Nedmag’s VE-5 salt well.

The first phase of the operations was carried out in February 2024 using a combined wireline and mini coil unit. Using a jetting tool run on mini coil a salt blockage was jetted away and afterwards the bottom part of the production tubing was cut in order to ensure full cavern access.

Later on, salt blockages re-appeared but after several clean out runs the well was brought back into production.