WEP History

Well Engineering Partners (WEP) is established in 1996 as an engineering company for oil, gas and salt wells. At the first start, WEP was a small company with a few employees. The company grew the first decade steadily with its focus on oil, gas and salt wells worldwide. From 2006 on WEP’s focus was more on the engineering and drilling of geothermal wells in the Netherlands.

In 2011 WEP merged with PGMi (PetroGas Minerals international B.V.), PGMi was a similar company as WEP with its main focus on engineering geothermal wells as well. PGMi started in 2006 with the Heerlen Minewater project and engineered and managed 3 more geothermal projects. After the merger, WEP became a company with 25 engineers and grew rapidly. In the years from 2011 on, WEP became the leading company in engineering geothermal wells in the Netherlands. Furthermore, WEP strengthened its position in the engineering, drilling and maintenance services in the salt industry in the Netherlands.

Nowadays WEP is an engineering company with 30 engineers and an extensive network of associated consultants. WEP has a great reputation for excellence in projects.

WEP’s timeline with milestones:

WEP 25 Years

August 31, 2022

Well Engineering Partners celebrated its 25th anniversary!

100 km of Geothermal Wells

January 1, 2017

WEP drilled more than 100 km of geothermal wells over 20 projects.

Merger of WEP and PGMi

June 1, 2011

The merger of WEP and PGMi (Petrogas Minerals international B.V.)

WEP moved to Hoogeveen

June 1, 2008

WEP moved to Hoogeveen, This became its new head office.

WEP’s first geothermal project

June 1, 2006

WEP (as former PGMi, founded by Dick Swart) starts its first geothermal project. Engineering and managing the drilling of geothermal wells in Heerlen.

WEP’s first oil&gas project

August 1, 1997

WEP starts its first oil&gas project. Executing an extended ERD study for NAM.

WEP’s first salt project

July 1, 1996

WEP starts its first salt project. Engineering and managing Workover operations for several salt wells of Nedmag.The purpose was to convert these wells from lithostatic to squeeze production.

WEP’s Establishment

June 1, 1996

WEP was established in 1996 by Tom Bakker in Vries, the Netherlands