
ESCO – Frisia BAS-3O Workover 2019

Project Description

The project objective started with a reconfiguring of the leaching strings, regular workover operations. During the engineering (pre-operations) the downhole conditions changed and a repair of the last cemented casing seemed to be required. During execution additional information gathered showed that the repair was no longer a valid option. The cavern was plugged, in preparation for full abandonment the well.


During project changing well conditions, resulting in large scope changes. Technical challenging snubbing operations, large size strings handled under >200bar WHP. Combined operations snubbing and coil tubing.

New technology: BHGE DECT cutter on 9 5/8” casing

Role of WEP

IPM, engineering, procurement and execution of works.


  • Client
    ESCO - Frisia Zout B.V.
  • Location
    Pietersbierum, BAS-123
  • Well
  • Date
    Start drilling: 04 December 2018
    End execution: 30 September 2019
  • Objective
    Re-configure leaching strings.
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): 4444m
    Depth (TVD): 2558m

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Salt producing well BAS-3O workover
The cavern was plugged, in preparation for full abandonment the well.
Start Execution
December 4th, 2018
End Execution
September 30th, 2019
The project objective started with a reconfiguring of the leaching strings, regular workover operations. The cavern was plugged, in preparation for full abandonment the well.

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