Oil & Gas

Staatsolie Nearshore Drilling Project

Project Description

Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. wanted to explore the near shore area for oil and gas reserves. They have asked WEP to help them with the well engineering during the preparation phase and the drilling engineering during the exploration campaign. WEP has provided an in-house drilling manager and senior drilling engineer, as well as support from the main office in Hoogeveen. 6 wells were drilled all reaching their target depth and valuable information was gathered during the drilling. The first shallow and first deep well both had their share of unexpected issues, but with the lessons learned from these, the following four wells were drilled within budget.


Short project planning period, Remote location operations, Shallow water depths, (total) Losses/fluid management.

Role of WEP

Initiate Well Delivery process. Well Delivery Management throughout project from start to completion. Provided: Resident Drilling Manager, Local and remote Well Engineering Support until completion of last well, Drilling Supervision.


  • Client
    Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.
  • Location
    Nearshore Blocks A, B and C, Suriname
  • Well
    Marai-01, Electric Ray-01, Kankantrie-01, Powisi-01, Gonini-01, Tukunari-01
  • Date
    Start drilling: 22 May 2018
    End execution: 31 January 2020
  • Objective
    Drilling exploration wells to explore hydrocarbons within the Nearshore area of Suriname. There were multiple specif targets: Eocene, Turonian and Albian reservoirs. All wells are abandoned as well.
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): 800 - 2900m (vertical wells). Total meters drilled: 8538 m
    Depth (TVD):

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6 exploration wells in Nearshore Blocks A, B and C, Suriname
Drilling exploration wells to explore hydrocarbons within the Nearshore area of Suriname.
Start Execution
May 22nd, 2018
End Execution
January 31st, 2020
Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V. wanted to explore the near shore area for oil and gas reserves. They have asked WEP to help them with the well engineering during the preparation phase and the drilling engineering during the exploration campaign.

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