
Geothermal Hoogweg Aardwarmte Luttelgeest triplet preparations

Project Description

Preparations for this project started mid ‘17 with the concept and detailed design of the triplet wells phase, followed by the process of securing the permits and materials and services required to deliver the wells. In January ’18 three conductor pipes have been successfully installed. In February Drilltec’s VarioRig VDD370.2 will be rigged up to commence with drilling the first of three wells. Each well is planned to be delivered within 30 days, including well test.

For this project, Well Engineering Partners is responsible for the well designs, project planning, tendering and coordination of the contracting of the materials and services suppliers. During the execution phase WEP provides the coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies will provide materials and services.



Role of WEP

Well Engineering Partners is responsible for the well designs, project planning, tendering and coordination of the contracting of the materials and services suppliers. During the execution phase WEP provides the coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies will provide materials and services.


  • Client
    Hoogweg Aardwarmte
  • Location
  • Well
    LTG-GT-01 & LTG-GT-02 & LTG-GT-03
  • Date
    Start drilling: 01 June 2017
    End execution: 31 December 2017
  • Objective
    Heated water for greenhouses
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): LTG-GT-01: 1935m; LTG-GT-02: 2139m; LTG-GT-03: 2289m
    Depth (TVD): LTG-GT-01: 1845m; LTG-GT-02: 1779m; LTG-GT-03: 1794m

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Geothermal triplet LTG-GT-01 & LTG-GT-02 & LTG-GT-03
Heated water for greenhouses
Start Execution
June 1st, 2017
End Execution
December 31st, 2017
Heated water for greenhouses

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