
Salt: ESCO – Frisia HWO

Project Description

Well Engineering Partners (WEP) completed successfully a Hydraulic Workover Operation (HWO) at Frisia Zout.

In the two weeks scheduled factory maintenance stop Well Engineering Partners completed an HWO on time and repaired the well successfully.

The aim was to repair a damaged well at one of the wells at Frisia Zout. It has been producing for some time with tubings at less than optimal salt solution mining heights. In order to configure the well to optimal mining conditions, an extensive wireline program has been conducted in the first week of the factory stop. This wireline program is performed to acquire sufficient data to repair the well in the second week with an HWO. The project was time critical as the factory was scheduled to be started after two weeks and is depending on the salt produced from the well. Well Engineering Partners, with its sub-contractors, was able to hand over the well on time enabling Frisia Zout to start-up the factory as scheduled.


The project was very time critical as the Frisia factory was scheduled to be started after two weeks from the start of the HWO. The factory is depended on the salt production from the well.

Role of WEP

Well Engineering Partners provided project planning, tendering engineering, coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies provided materials and services.


  • Client
    ESCO - Frisia Zout B.V.
  • Location
  • Well
    Salt producing well
  • Date
    Start drilling: 16 September 2011
    End execution: 30 September 2011
  • Objective
    Successfully completed the Hydraulic Workover Operation (HWO)
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): 2815m
    Depth (TVD): n/a

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Salt producing well hydraulic workover operation
Repair a damaged well
Start Execution
September 16th, 2011
End Execution
September 30th, 2011
Well Engineering Partners (WEP) completed successfully a Hydraulic Workover Operation (HWO) at Frisia Zout.

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