Geothermal: WEP contributes in the acceleration of projects in the built environment with WarmingUP
Project Description
Introduction WarmingUP
In the WarmingUP collective, we develop practical knowledge with thirty-eight participants so that collective heating systems are reliable, sustainable, and affordable for heat transition. Collective heating systems combined with sustainable sources form an essential link in the solution to achieve the Climate Agreement’s objectives and reduce CO2 emissions. WarmingUP also has partners who provide specific expertise or materials for one of the projects or help with knowledge sharing.
System and process innovations are necessary for a more efficient design, construction and management, and good interaction between the parties. WarmingUP wants to develop these innovations coherently and at a faster pace. Acceleration, upscaling, and cooperation from the entire heat chain are necessary to realize the heat transition.
Knowledge Development
With new knowledge, sustainable heat sources with different levels of temperature and volumes can be integrated ‘smart’ into one system. Knowledge development to realize large-scale heat storage systems and their integration into heat networks is also an intended result. For example, research is being conducted into how much, where and at what cost heat can be extracted via aquatherm or geothermal energy. In addition, the collective focuses on the development of new forms of cooperation and financing as well as new working methods to generate public support.
WarmingUp Theme 4A
The use of geothermal energy can be expanded with the development of shallow layers. To achieve this, efforts are being made to reduce uncertainty in the (shallow) subsoil on a national scale, and to develop appropriate well and top-side designs.
Our contribution for WarmingUp
Well Engineering Partners as a partner will support WarmingUP with our geothermal well engineering expertise in Theme 4: Geothermal Energy. Goal of Theme 4: Accelerate the development of geothermal projects for sustainable heat in the built environment, including the integration of geothermal energy in collective heat networks.
Source and when you want to stay up to date about the progress: Official WarmingUP website
New Technology:
R&D geothermal project
Role of WEP
WEP will participate in theme 4A of WarmingUp with focus on shallow geothermal systems. WEP is involved in the well engineering related parts of this theme.
The NetherlandsWell
Geothermal systemsDate
Start drilling: N/A
End execution: Work in progressObjective
Help to accelerate the development of sustainable heat in the built environment, including the integration of geothermal energy in collective heat networks.Depth
Depth (MD): 500-800m
Depth (TVD): 500-800m