
Salt: Nedmag TR-9 workover 2021

Project Description

The objective of the workover operations was to remove the existing damaged completion strings.

The most challenging string was the 7 x 7 5/8″, in which setting and retrieving plugs took more time than expected due to debris in the casing. On the other hand, the string was stuck in the cavern; thus, several attempts to cut the string were required before it was successfully retrieved.

Then the new dual concentric completion was installed that allows simultaneous injection and production operations in the well. This was accomplished by running the 7” injection string; in particular, with a sacrificial drill-in BHA, followed by installing / drilling-in the 5” x 3 ½” production string and finally installing the 2 ⅞” dilution string.

The project was finished with zero HSE-related non-conformities.


Retrieve the old 7.5/8″ completion to surface.

Role of WEP

WEP provided project planning, tendering engineering, coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies provided materials and services.


  • Client
    Nedmag BV
  • Location
    WHC-2 / Tripscompagnie
  • Well
  • Date
    Start drilling: 01 October 2021
    End execution: 24 December 2021
  • Objective
    Re-complete well
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): 2451m
    Depth (TVD): 1812m

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Salt well TR-9 workover
Re-complete well.
Start Execution
October 1st, 2021
End Execution
December 24th, 2021
The objective of the workover operations was to remove the existing damaged completion strings.

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