Salt: Nedmag well TR-8 workover operation 2017
Project Description
The inner completion string was corroded over time and in addition scaling had built up in the injection annulus between the inner and outer completion string.
The inner completion string was pulled out of hole with a hydraulic workover unit (HWU). Multiple holes were encountered in the string as a result of corrosion. To clean the inside of the outer completion string a coiled tubing unit was rigged up on top of the HWU.
A tubing integrity log was performed, which confirmed the outer completion to be in good condition. New inner completion was installed and the well brought back into production.
For this project, Well Engineering Partners provided project planning, tendering engineering, coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies provided materials and services.
High pressure salt production well.
Role of WEP
Well Engineering Partners provided project planning, tendering engineering, coordination, management and supervision for the project while other companies provided materials and services.
Start drilling: 01 October 2017
End execution: 30 November 2017Objective
Replacement of inner completion and cleanoutDepth
Depth (MD): n/a
Depth (TVD): Approx. 2000m