
Geothermal: Duyvestijn Pijnacker doublet delivery

Project Description

In Pijnacker, the Netherlands, several agricultural companies signed for a collaboration of the development of geothermal energy for heating their greenhouses. After the completion of the wells at Ammerlaan, the rig moved to the neighbor “Tomato nursery Gebr. Duijvestijn”. WEP/PGMi was again responsible for the geological aspects, well design and drilling supervision for this geothermal doublet with deviated wells to a vertical depth of 2300 meters and more than 3000 meters AH. During the test, the geothermal well produced 130 m3 / hour with a temperature of 68 degrees Celsius.



Role of WEP

WEP/PGMi was resposible for the geology report, material&services procurement, detailed design, drilling programs, contracting support and drilling management&supervision.


  • Client
    Gebr. Duyvestijn BV Tomato nursery
  • Location
  • Well
    PNA‐GT‐03 & PNA‐GT‐04
  • Date
    Start drilling: 12 August 2010
    End execution: 22 January 2011
  • Objective
    Water flowrates of 130 m3/hr at 68 degrees Celsius.
  • Depth
    Depth (MD): PNA‐GT‐03: 3005m; PNA‐GT‐04: 2957m
    Depth (TVD): PNA‐GT‐03: Approx. 2300m; PNA‐GT‐04: Approx. 2300m

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PNA‐GT‐03 & PNA‐GT‐04
Water flowrates of 130 m3/hr at 68 degrees Celsius.
Start Execution
August 12th, 2010
End Execution
January 22nd, 2011
Water flowrates of 130 m3/hr at 68 degrees Celsius

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