Symposium Energy from the Earth

September 19th, 2018, Enschede, The Netherlands

On Wednesday the September 19, dGB Earth Sciences organised in cooperation with the University of Twente, EBN, Twence, and Encontech a symposium about geothermal energy as a renewable energy source.

Why this symposium?

As part of the energy transition, governments, industries, and science are looking for sustainable alternatives to hydrocarbons. This quest is often limited to research into solar parks and wind turbines. Deep and ultra-deep geothermal energy, in which heat from the earth is used as a sustainable energy source, is often still not on the radar of policymakers and potential customers.

New research conducted by dGB Earth Sciences shows that the whole of Twente (a region in The Netherlands) has geothermal potential. In addition to general information about deep and ultra-deep geothermal energy and the potential of the subsurface, policy, heat demand and innovation were also discussed. For WEP it was a great opportunity to learn more about the aspirations in this region and to connect and engage with representatives of municipalities and the industries and Marit Brommer, the executive director of the International Geothermal Association.